Career Center Rm. 42 (Mondays and Wednesdays - 7:30am to 4:00pm / Fridays by appointment only)
(209) 492-1266
Michelle Luz
College Counselor
Career Center Rm. 42
(209) 492-3279
Stanislaus Community Foundation (SCF) is offering approximately 60+ scholarships from 15 different scholarship donor funds for Downey alone. Number of awards vary per year from each scholarship donor and vary in amounts; ranging from $500 to $3,500. These are scholarships specific to Downey from Stanislaus County Foundation and the application process couldn't be easier! Don't miss out on an easy opportunity to get FREE money for college!
Follow instructions carefully and work on ONE APPLICATION, "2024-2025 STANILAUS COMMUNITY FOUNDATION COMMON SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION" of which your answers will populate automatically to all the scholarships with SCF that you qualify for! See the 'How To Apply' attachment and follow all instructions to submit your application.
Link to Apply Here:
2024-2025 Scholarship Application FAQs: https://modestocityschools-my....
Step by Step Application Guide: https://modestocityschools-my....
TDHS Scholarship Opportunities SCF: https://modestocityschools-my....
Folleto en Español: https://modestocityschools-my....
TDHS Specific Scholarships - DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MARCH 8th! Don’t delay!
Knights, make sure you are logged into your Google drive and start applying to Downey specific scholarships today! There are several scholarships for Downey; some vary per number of awards and $$ amount. Some don’t even require an essay. Don’t pass this up! See Ms. Luz in the Career Center or go to AVID club for any assistance!
2023-2024 Downey Senior Presentation
2023-2024 Downey College Parent Info Night
Common App Full Walkthrough Video
One Stop Shop: College Applications, Financial Aid, Scholarships, Contacts...Etc
Click Here to take you to the TDHS College Counseling Website
Robin Rodrigues
Career Center Rm. 42
(209) 492-4207
Career Center Rm. 42 (Mondays and Wednesdays - 7:30am to 4:00pm / Fridays by appointment only)
(209) 492-1266
Modesto City Schools has partnered with various local businesses to offer job shadowing opportunities. Job Shadowing is a type of on-the-job training that allows an interested student to follow and closely observe an employee at a particular business to see if it’s a career path the student may be interested in pursuing.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please reach out to your Career Navigator.
For help with MJC Dual Enrollment, see Mrs. Krone in the Career Center on Mondays and Wednesdays, or email her at
Steps for Dual Enrollment
Video: How to Apply to MJC - Click Here!
MJC Application Link - Click Here! (if you haven't taken a course within the past year)
Once you have received your MJC student ID# and MJC email, you can then fill out the Dual Enrollment Petition below and submit it online. Use your name and Downey email to login to this part.
Dual Enrollment Petition Link - Click Here! (this only needs to be submitted once a school year)
Not sure what to take? You can take any course that MJC offers, but here are a few that we recommend.
Suggested Course List - Click Here
Please check MJC Student email once you have applied. Some, if not all communications from MJC will be sent to the student’s MJC email.